Zapatista squat center Violently Evicted but Reoccupied

The Free

After huge solidarity Chanti Ollin has been reoccupied.. though at least 9 people are still arrested, needing bail money, and some injured, the damage is huge, things have been robbed, children terrorised, workshops ransacked, etc.10906574_872615249468829_4235216083727232436_n

here’s the reoccupation video….

 Squat Eviction in Mexico City—– Chanti Ollin

At 6am yesterday morning, Chanti Ollin, a 12 year old squat in Mexico City, was evicted illegally and unexpectedly. There was no eviction order, and the squat had been fighting successfully in the courts to keep the building from being passed on to a large development company.P1070642

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