Tag Archives: anti fascist

Cremona, Italy: Solidarity with Emilio!

From squat.net

On the 18th January, in Cremona, Italy, the squat CSA Dordoni [1] was attacked by a group of around 60 fascists (among others from CasaPound [2]) armed with iron bars. A comrade, Emilio, was hit on the head and has since been in hospital in critical condition, between life and death.

Saturday 24th January, an antifascist demonstration “Emilio resist” took place in the streets of Cremona. It was attended by between 2,000 and 10,000 people. A very active black bloc formed and threw many projectiles at the police (smoke bombs, bottles, stones…) as the demo approached the local headquarters of CasaPound. The riot police hit back with tear gas. Further on, the clashes resumed near the train station. And later in the evening, several banks were attacked and the police station was stormed and vandalised!

There were five injured among the demonstrators and four amongst the police.

Translation notes:
[1] The acronym CSA (Centro sociale autogestito) means self-organised social centre
[2] Fascist social centre based in Rome and founded in December 2003
Translated from fr.squat.net, original sources: CSA Dordoni | Rebellyon | Il Giorno | RT





